Illustration of "The Nicomachean Man" in a modern cityscape, holding a scroll with "Ethics" written on it, surrounded by symbols of ethics like scales of justice, a heart, and a brain.

Top 5 Philosophy Books on Ethics and Morality for Beginners

⚫’Nicomachean Ethics’ by Aristotle explores ethical virtue through habit and the importance of moral self-improvement.
⚫’Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals’ by Immanuel Kant introduces rule-based ethics and the concept of moral autonomy.
⚫’The Ethics of Ambiguity’ by Simone De Beauvoir offers an existentialist view on ethics, emphasizing freedom and the role of societal roles.
⚫’Utilitarianism’ by John Stuart Mill discusses maximizing utility for collective happiness, differentiating between higher and lower pleasures.
⚫’After Virtue’ by Alasdair MacIntyre critiques modern moral philosophy and advocates for a return to virtue ethics and moral traditions.

Comic illustration depicting the evolution of moral thought from ancient Greek philosophy, through medieval religious teachings, the Enlightenment era, to modern digital challenges with symbols like justice scales, a globalisation globe, and technology icons.

The Decline of Ethics in the Digital Era

⚫Moral decay in modern times is influenced by various factors such as erosion of family structures, reliance on state institutions, and the rise of corporate greed and media portrayals.

⚫Technological advancements and the digital age have introduced new ethical concerns, including online privacy, machine morality, and the ethical implications of artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

⚫Social media plays a significant role in shaping morality, with concerns about privacy invasion, cyberbullying, online addiction, and the manipulation of perceptions and beliefs by influencers.

⚫Cultural shifts and modernization have challenged traditional norms and brought about tensions between religious traditions and human rights, as well as the prioritization of material wealth over ethical standards.